Elevate Your Squat Game: The Front Quad Squat

Discover the elevated quad squat variation that targets your lower body for a bang for your buck workout. By simply raising your heels roughly 15cm, you position yourself for the Front Quad Squat. This stance, combined with a shoulder-width stand, amplifies the effectiveness of the staple exercise. Originating from the traditional …

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Revolutionising Strength Training: The Tommy Kono Loosening Deadlift Method

In the annals of weightlifting history, few names shine as brightly as Tommy Kono. Kono, a legend in his own right, not only shattered records but also introduced innovative techniques that revolutionised strength training practices. Among his pioneering contributions is the Loosening Deadlift method—a technique that promises to elevate your strength …

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Maximise Your Training Success: A Holistic Guide to Strength, Nutrition, and Recovery

In the realm of fitness, progress requires more than sporadic efforts; it demands a holistic approach. The synergy between meticulous training, precise nutrition, and restorative sleep forms the bedrock of any successful fitness journey. This guide elucidates the interconnectedness of these elements, offering actionable insights to elevate training outcomes. The Pillars …

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Unlock Peak Performance: 5 Revolutionary Steps in Strength Training Periodisation

The Evolution of Strength Training Periodisation The Genesis of Periodisation Periodisation, which originated from the Russian sports sciences of the 1960s, has been a cornerstone in strength training. It advocates for the cyclical division of training to maximise athletic success. Charles Poliquin furthered this concept by introducing it to a broader …

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